How to self-manage your Plantar Fasciitis/Fasciopathy

How to self-manage your Plantar Fasciitis/Fasciopathy

This is that nagging, annoying sharp pain you feel in your heel when walking. The one that won’t go away, like an annoying toothache or an itch you cannot scratch.

This pain possibly started from walking bare-foot, a change of shoes, increasing your walking or running without a progressive build up or due weight-gain or load and laxity from pregnancy.

Let’s see how we can help:

  1. Try to find the cause of your pain- we need to make a change in order to settle the symptoms.

  2. Limit walking and running where possible to reduce overload.

  3. Use a trigger point ball to massage into the bottom of your foot.

  4. Try heat- sit with your foot in a bucket of warm water.

  5. Stretch your calves.

  6. Wear supportive trainers which have some cushioning.

  7. Visit a podiatrist for custom-made orthotics- we recommend Foot Factor in London.

If the pain gets worse or won’t go away, please get in touch with us, we can definitely help!

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